I'm pretty sure when you read the title you were thinking...what is she on about...well let me explain....the It's are a group of i want to call them people that have the misfortune of being misguided by the worm like organ in their heads that we call a brain....ok still not clear enough ...o and before i clarify anything...the It's aren't IT people....i didn't switch my CAPS off accidently....back to our topic now...
Let's put it this way....they're cross dressers by choice...have unresolved anger issues so they choose to lash out by freaking the rest of the world out...yup i'm talkin about the rising population of the homo's in this world...particularly the gulf....i mean i don't know what their parents did to them....is it because they were raised by the maids?! (no offense to anyone) or was it mum's careless attitude...or was it dad that they only saw once in a blue moon because somtimes he remembers he once upon a time 'contributed' in making a family....point is whatever their issues are ...i don't think becoming something your clearly anatomically (yes all they have to do is look down) not made out to be is the solution.
It's kind of a shock to actually know that there are so many It's these days and now it jus seems to be normal to them to do what they please... but there's always a stigma shadowing their every move...why pretend to be some one your not meant to be.....again just wondering where their parents are?!?......i guess older aged people don't realise this stuff like we young people do...
Do you ever notice how the It's appear to have so much self confidence and esteem when in reality it's the complete opposite.....they reflect and impose that on others where i feel inside they're not what they appear to be on the outside....don't get me wrong...but i'm just saying they'r troubled souls who found the only way out was this.....i mean take ibri for instance ...he's not a full blown It jus yet...but give him a few years and he could be the next doodi (some homo khaleeji dude) I'm not gona elaborate on this incident but there was once this guy i knew who shaved his legs....everyone knew he was straight until that incident and now everyone is just sceptical....i think guys who hang out with girls only for too long become a little on the rocks if you know what i mean.
Seriously don't get me wrong...i'm all for freedom of choice and i stand by all democratic values but this doesn't strike me as something that should be on that list....anyways it was jus a thought that well expanded into an essay......freedom of speech all the way;p
i'm off to bed....gnite:D
It's a very interesting perspective that you have.
I'm at cross roads on the issue of homosexuality...I'm also for freedom of choice and such, but sometimes you wonder whether they really do choose to be that way (or if they were made that way). And if so, then why? It could be neglect at home or something else. I think it would be figured out if our society decided to face the truth and deal with it rather than deny its existence...
yea no1 is facing the facts here....every1 just looks the other way or makes fun of them and tht's y the population of the It's is increasing...i think tht theyr troubled souls tht reali need help....but no1 is made tht way until they go thru sum sort of circumstance....
Wow, this is a very original post I must say, way to go for thinking outside of the box eh? :D
And OMG I have to qoute you on this:
"there's always a stigma shadowing their every move why pretend to be some one your not meant to be again just wondering where their parents are?!"
Simply brilliant seriously.
And its so true on the idea that they have so much self confidence!
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